Monday, October 21, 2013

3- Axis Fire King

Deck idea #2: 3-Axis Fire King

Now,of course this deck hasn't been the most prominent thing to ever be exercised,there are many people who have thought up and used this kind of idea,so bullshits aside ill get onto the deck and some combos.

Deck List:

monster line-up:

2x fire king high avatar garunix
3x brotherhood of the fire fist- Leopard
1x brotherhood of the fire fist- spirit
1x brotherhood of the fire fist- hawk
1x brotherhood of the fire fist- rooster(will explain reason later)
2x brotherhood of the fire fist- bear
3x fire king avatar barong
2x fire king avatar yaksha
1x fire king avatar kirin 
2x effect veiler

spell line-up:

2x circle of the fire kings
3x onslaught of the fire kings
2x fire formation- tenki
2x fire formation- tensu
1x fire formation- gyokkou
2x forbidden lance
1x rekindling
2x mystical space typhoon
1x dark hole

trap line-up:

1x fire formation- tensen
1x compulsory evacuation device
2x destruct potion
2x mirror force

extra deck:

2x brotherhood of the fire fist- horse prince
1x sirius the blue wolf star
1x vulcan the divine
2x brotherhood of the fire fist- lion emperor
1x brotherhood of the fire fist- tiger king
1x leviair the sea dragon
1x mechquipped angineer
1x number 49:fortune tune
1x gagaga cowbow
1x maestroke the symphony djinn
1x abyss dweller
xx 2 spots in the extra are complacent for players choice

deck and its combos:

The deck itself is very fast and aggro.Most of the time it will seem like the 3 axis base cards(leopard and spirit) do most of the work at times.
a child would know what to do with barong and yaksha,so not much explaining to do there.I added kirin to the deck for an angineer play,also a blank target for horse prince if you run out of fire fist lvl 3s early,which actually happens very quickly.most of the duel you'll sit on horse prince or a yaksha(in most cases) until you have a set up to blow up the field with the turkey
playing around garunix is also a big thing this deck is capable of.setting up garunix while having a circle in hand means a monster reborn in retrospect,usually blowing up barong for a bigger or more useful monster thats in the grave can set up alot of potential threats for opponents.
not to mention it gets around fiendish chains,d-priz and other stupid shit.

why not another rekindle?
its not a main factor in this deck and really isnt all that important.but drawing into it late game can be a turn around.

why no maxx c?
drawing isnt really good in this deck.ya it may 'scare' or potentially stop an opponent,but you need cards in your deck in order for it to work properly.

trag or gorz?
whichever one you feel.i didnt put it in this build for a multiple of reasons,which you will have to see for yourself

another tiger king?
barely made him to begin with.

1 rooster?
drawing into rooster sucks immense donkeydick.

will explain in the section below

kirin uses and combos:

effect:If a face-up "Fire King" monster you control is destroyed by a card effect: You can Special Summon this card from your hand. If this card is destroyed and sent to the Graveyard: Send 1 FIRE monster from your Deck to the Graveyard. 

kirin can send useful pieces for set ups to the grave when either blown up or ran over.he himself can make certain plays such as angineer or lion emperor without expending your limited space of fire fist monsters.

one play u usually do:
-onslaught for kirin
-normal summon leopard
-leopards effect,tribute off to set either tenki,gyokkou,or tensu,depending on your hand in question
-activate tensu (or if already on the field,use its effect) and normal a spirit
-use spirit to special leopard,then synchro into horse prince
-use horse princes' effect to special a rooster or hawk (your choice really,but for the sake of argument we're going to say you special rooster)
-use rooster to search bear on his special
-overlay rooster and kirin for either mequipped angineer or lion emperor.

angineer ensures you keep prince on the field for another turn or so,just in case of set backrow or bigger threats. while lion emperor gets back spirit,then you're able to make another play next turn if called for.

a very small play but one to note at that. kirin is also a rekindling target,and so most of the cards in deck(yaksha,barong,spirit,ect).

the deck holds its own,and combats alot of running decks this current format (october 11).
one bad matchup to note is lightswarn/lightray,but besides that its done/and is doing very good,and i hope to build it soon enough.

until next update.
Curran out-

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