Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Late Introduction

Late Introductions

Who are you?
hello. You've probably already stumbled upon my blog and know i go by the alias Curran,but for the sake of argument allow me to reintroduce myself.
my names Drake,
ive been playing ygo since i was about 8,and have been playing competitive for about 4-5 years now.
im not very good,hence my sub head,but i do have quite a bit of experience in this game and know what im doing (to a degree.)

Do you use any current topping decks and/or meta decks?
i usually play my own ideas against general meta decks,and or for fun.most of the decklists you will see here will be of my own creation (not saying it hasn't been done before,but just in my way.)

Favorite deck?
my favorite deck will have to be Gishki. ive used them since they first came out  in the tcg and haven't wavered them since.

One of my favorite cards in all of ygo, Ebon Magician Curran is the counterpart of Pikeru. I was drawn to the card by the cute artwork and the cards surrounding them (trial of the princesses,ect.)
And it soon became a sort of logo for me.

Current deck you're using?
im running a variant of Amazons i came up with a while back. 'very' grinding

Best budget deck in any format?
dark world id have to say agents

Anything for shadow specters?
i really want to build Ghostricks.
(get a candle, light it, go in your bathroom, cut the lights out, look into mirror and wisper ghostrick mary three times and maybe she will be will be printed in the tcg.)

Overlooked decks in your opinion?
box of friends,fascinating fiends/traptrix,madolche,gusto,ect.

Will we see a lot of decklists and overviews?

For the players on budget,will you post some budget decks?
I am also a budget player,and nearly everyone of the decklists will be under $80

was considering,but i have to get rid of my low self esteem first

Your favorite yugi-tubers?

Favorite episode in season 1 of ygo?
joey vs marik

-In relation to the 3-axis FK deck posted recently
ratio of the consistency? and what decks can it beat along with ones it has issues with:
the decks consistency is parlay to the opening hand,but no matter what hand you have you can usually pull off combos pretty efficiently without issue.
the deck (as stated before) is very aggro,so beating down the opponent is a must in early turns.the deck wins against most decks,and doesn't have much of an issue with prophecy nor E-dragons,though decks like synchrons or decks that can match and overwhelm can be an issue,since you want to be the one overwhelming.

-In relation to the pemature 'ninja' post recently
will we ever get the decklist and overview for the ninjas?
yes, I will be updating the ninja post in the upcoming week.
I want to get through some more testings before I be sure of the decklist

any upcoming decklists soon?
thinking ghostricks(including mary) and a few budget decks tomorrow.
nothing too exiting,but its still something to look forward to.

still got some ideas floating around in my head so there will be some more decks soon to come.
will keep you posted.
until next update.
Curran out-

Follow me on Instagram:http://instagram.com/curranjudgement

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