Friday, October 25, 2013

Excitement for Shadow Specters: Zombie Combo

Zombie Combo Deck

Hey everyone, Curran back with another deck for you all. 
Since Halloween is right around the corner,as well as Shadow Specters coming soon right after,ive gotten a bit into the spirit and tested through a zombie combo deck idea i had.
this deck is alone one of the most versatile decks ive ever experimented,having over 17 ways to otk.
enough of the chit chat, and on with the deck list:

monster line-up:

3x zombie master
3x pyramid turtle
3x goblin zombie
3x blue-blooded oni
2x summoner monk
2x endless decay
1x mezuki
1x shutendoji
1x plaguespreader zombie
1x bone crusher
1x bacon saver

spell line-up:

3x book of life
3x inferno reckless summon
3x mystical space typhoon
1x foolish burial
2x zombie world

trap line-up:

1x bottomless trap hole
1x call of the haunted
1x solemn warning
1x torrential tribute

extra deck:

1x doomkaiser dragon
3x lavalval chain
2x photon papilloperative
1x abyss dweller
1x daigusto emeral
1x gagaga cowboy
1x gem-knight pearl
1x maestroke,the symphony djinn
1x number 39:utopia
1x number 50:blackship of corn
1x steelswarm roach
1x vylon disigma

the deck:

this deck has combos up the ass,litterally. after roughly turn 2 you have a perfect set up to start your combos,however you want them executed.
i always felt zombies a little unfair in a way,having their main card a combo starter and can use his effect multiple times so long as replaced.
but in this deck,good ol' master isn't the VIP,
so lets take a look at the engine card of the deck:

When this card is Normal or Flip Summoned: It is changed to Defense Position. Once per turn: You can detach 1 Xyz Material you control to target 1 Level 4 Zombie-Type monster in your GraveyardSpecial Summon that target.

Oni is the reason the deck is so beefy with its combos.
he himself can can get nearly any Xyz play into a OTK play with ease,and with cards like Inferno,any combo gets humorously bigger.
and the main Xyz card you'll go into for prime will be lavalval chain,being he can easily set up graveyards,and after you do,he's just food for oni.
with oni,combos are possible with no cards in hand,which is Insanely good being you will run out of resources very quickly.
winning within 4-5 turns or so is a must with this deck.

being an old zombie player myself(back when the main cards used were zombie world and red-eyes,)
coming back to playing this was a bit nostalgic for me.the deck itself was very graveyard reliant,which it still is,but less dependent on your opponents grave rather your own.
coming back and experimenting feels great,but the deck will always feel a bit underrated to me.


why not another mezuki?
zombies only needed one to begin with. Plus shutendoji gets him back anyway.
also i feel it builds a players mind towards combos and how to get out of certain situations without easy outs.

if oni uses its effect and is replaced (special again,set,or multiple copies,) will i be able to use its effect again?
"once per turn" counting it face up on the field,and only that oni.

why zombie world and not another card?
zombie world gets around spellbooks,dragons and ect,stating they are zombies in the grave and field.
(no fate,banishing for dragons, and ect,) but to an extent

no il blud?
never liked it to begin with.
ya he may get a zombie but he's a gemini,which uses up a normal and he's not a combo card.

no malicious?
he's a good card,don't get me wrong,but i didn't exactly have him in mind when building the can put him in (i don't care really,) but the deck is really tight with cards.

i'm not gonna sit here and put multiple combos for you all,but i will put one to get you guys started:
this combo requires:
1 card in hand
shutendoji,blue-blooded oni,mezuki,and zombie master in the grave.

-banish mezuki for zombie master
-use zombie master's effect to ditch,then special shutendoji
-use shutendoji's effect to put mezuki back to the top of the deck
-overlay master and doji for lavalval chain
-use lavalval to send mezuki to the grave,ditching shutendoji
-use mezuki to special blue-blooded oni
-use oni's effect,ditching the zombie master off of lavalval to special shutendoji
-use shutendoji to send mezuki to top
-overlay for lavalval chain
-rinse and repeat
on the second time around you want to ditch oni from lavalval chain then sending mezuki to grave.
this way you can reuse oni with mezuki,endlessly getting him back with shutendoji.
this is why i love zombies <3 

i hope this deck helps all you yugimon players, and have a great Halloween.
im 2exite for shadow spectors, so this deck helps me with my ADHD
if you don't think thats the tightest shit then get out of my face.

until next update.
Curran out-

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