Monday, November 18, 2013

Long awaited:Ninja Deck

Ninja Deck

Hey everyone, Curran back with my long awaited Ninja deck.
excuse my apparent absence, Blogger wouldn't let me upload some posts for a while so things got delayed quite a bit. But in my disappearance i did happen to get some testing and ideas running, and i might upload another deck today if given the chance (but don't hold it against me.)
so, on with the deck list ay?

Monster line-up:

3x Ninja Grandmaster Hanzo
2x Masked Ninja Ebisu
2x Upstart Golden Ninja
2x Tour Guide from the Underworld
2x Red Dragon Ninja
2x White Dragon Ninja
2x Effect Veiler 
2x Tragodia
1x Lady Ninja Yae
1x White Night Dragon

Spell line-up:

1x reinforcements of the army
1x mind control
1x dark hole
1x book of moon
2x mystical space typhoon
2x forbidden lance

Trap line-up:

3x ninjitsu art of super-transformation
2x ninjitsu art of transformation 
1x ninjitsu art of shadow sealing
2x mirror force
2x call of the haunted
2x dark bribe
1x compulsory evacuation device

Extra Deck:

1x ally of justice catastor
1x armedes,keeper of boundaries 
1x Sirius the blue wolf star
1x black rose dragon
1x crimson blader
1x mist wurm
1x blade armor ninja
1x heroic champion-excalibur
1x maestroke the symphony djinn
1x gagaga cowboy
1x constellar ptolemy M7
1x number 11: big eye
1x number 49: fortune tune
1x leviair the sea dragon
1x mechquipped angineer

the deck:

Ninjas revolve around disrupting your opponents plays with cards like their super-poly and other problem solvers. But of course, you all knew this, so just getting that out the way.
This deck is meant to set back your opponent as much as possible and using that as a window to kill him/her.
Stratos gets your ninjitsu arts, and he's a recruiter when special which is really needed in this deck. I made a previous Blog post about me testing around with this deck, but in this section i'll go over some cards a bit more thoroughly for those wanting to test out.
Unlike a degree of ninja decks, most i know of don't run Red Dragon. I've had quite a few people express their 'un-liking' of Red Dragon, but he stands an over achieving piece in my build.
lets take a look at him:

When this card is Summoned: You can banish 1 "Ninja" or "Ninjitsu Art" card from your Graveyard to target 1 Set card your opponent controlsreveal that Set card, then return it to either the top or bottom of the Deck. Your opponent cannot activate the targeted card in response to this effect's activation. You can only use the effect of "Red Dragon Ninja" once per turn.

red stands a star of the deck. With shadow specters out and new sets like Ghostricks and Tanukit, it seems setting cards is going to be apparent nowadays, including heavier back row with cards like heavy gone.
Most people freak out about his effect:
you have to 'target,' and he doesn't negate cards like blue does.
Is usually what i get from players, old and new.
Lets go through some notable rulings for red that not many people know about:
-Banishing a ninja is a cost
-Red can miss timing
-If his summon is not negated, his effect activates immediately.That means your opponent can chain cards only after red has chosen a target through his effect. If the card targeted is Torrential, Bottomless or other cards that can activate in response to him, they cannot activate due to reds effect(be it book of moon,or anything of the sort.)
-If red isn't face up on the field on chain resolution(book of moon,) the effect to bounce a card still resolves properly

This knowledge is explosive when dueling players who aren't used to seeing him in play.
He's basically a night beam/chidori for ninjas, who can be used along with the ninjitsu arts just in case things do not go as planned.
Note: cards CANNOT activate in response to him if they are the ones targeted.
I constantly have to put it in players heads that you cannot chain the card targeted to his summon due to his effect. And also that you cannot activate cards until After he's chosen a target if his summon is not negated. 
also, being a Ninja monster, you can keep this chain going if your opponent has an out to your effect with cards like transformation and shadow sealing.

lets have a look at one more card in the deck:

During either player's turn, when a Spell/Trap Card that targets this card is activatedNegate the activation, and if you do, destroy it. When a face-up monster you control is targeted for an attack: You can send 1 Spell/Trap Card you control to the Graveyard; change the target to this card.

jumping straight into his rulings before i give my reasons of using him:
-the effect to change an attack target is a trigger effect
-sending a spell or trap card is a cost
-the effect to change a target does not cost
-as long as you can pay the cost,you can activate the effect to negate multiple times a chain
-the effect to negate is a quick effect

I mainly use white night to get over a lot of cards nowadays that can cause quite a problem.With him able to use up useless ninjitsu arts for negation is really powerful. And redirecting your opponents to attack him instead insures your ninjas can keep board until you can use your ninjitsu and get around issues.
Plus with the ninjitsu arts in the grave, they fuel Red Dragon for his effect if you're not so sure on banishing ninjas instead.

Due to some of my blatant rant-Esq expression on some plays in my old ninja post, I won't be over viewing much more of this deck. I can say that you need quite some skill to learn to bluff out your opponents space's and other cards that can disrupt you and not them.
most of the time i use some of the most random of plays to offset my opponent to where they have no idea to what would happen if they make a move.

I also have a a friend who would like to partner with me if that's the right phrase. Check out his channel @MyArmados  and give him some support.
he's also given me the green flag to upload some of my duel vids to his channel,so if you want to see curran fail, be glad to check it out.

Until next update.
Curran out-

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