Sunday, December 22, 2013

Curran's Second Sight: Taking into Consideration

Thinking Ahead

Hey everyone,
Curran here with another update.
This is going to be another ramble update, so steer off if you don't want to hear what i got to say.
I'll have another deck-list up soon so if you're looking for that you'll have to wait a bit longer.
But for those who do want to hear me ramble on about stuff,
please be my guest.

Curran's Preference

While running through some of my deck ideas (this being Wemko and Gem-Box), there is one card that caught my eye(s).

If you control a face-up monster that was TributeRitual or Fusion Summoned: Until the end of your opponent's next turn, neither player can Synchro or Xyz SummonSynchro and Xyz Monsters cannot attack, also their effects are negated.

Being a MTG player, the artwork immediately caught my eye. (it certainly has a Innistrad feel to it eh?-)

But what caught my eye more was the ridiculous effect.
This card alone can shut down a big percentage of decks running around currently for a turn (2¿),
and the duration effect this card lingers on is ridiculous.

Now, this card really only applies to the decks that can utilize this effect.
This being:
- Hero
- Gishki
- Gem-Knight
- Monarch
- Glads
- Steelswarm¿

And any deck i had forgotten to mention.
While testing through some of my ideas, while extensively play-testing this card, there were things that stuck out the most that made it such a potential tech for me:
Usually, after going off this and passing turn, this card can set your opponent in a more awkward position than usual.
Not only do they have to deal with the [Fusion, Ritual, Tribute monster] in question (this excluding any other monsters put on board), your opponent has to find a way to 'evade' through the effect without using cards from their extra deck.

They can still special, but usually players don't leave their field open with monsters that don't exactly pose much threat(s) 
This is excluding potential back-row and other issues 

I've been in a number of duels where you flip this on their draw and they sit contemplating for sheer minutes trying to find an out they could weed through.

If they can't do that, they ultimately either waist resource just to stay alive, or they lose

And even if you're going turn two this card can still put up quite a position, basically forcing your opponent to sit for a rough two turns.

Though, to go with the goods of this card, there is obviously downsides to combat.

-This card is a trap, and with that, it's already too slow. An end-turn space or a previous field wipe leaves this card useless if drawn into.

- This card can potentially effect you also

- Most prefer Veiler over a potential -1

- This card is 'Meh' when winning. And the worst when drawn into 

These are merely some of the things people said to combat against the card.

Though there have been some instances where it does prove a minus, it goes to say that i find this card an exception in my book regardless of what people say about it.

Its the players who become so accustomed to the norm that decks use,
this falling into the category of 'formatted decks' players become comfortable with, and rather stick to something they're used too then try something not of the norm.

But, also proven, 
its those who went against this norm that topped, making impact on the game. (Alexander Thomas? Paul Blake? these only being the currents that come to mind.)

And when you fall under that category of norm, you lose my interest.

There's barely any pizzazz in this game,
and when something 'not of the standard' you're presented with, you talk down of.

Of course, this isn't pointed at all the players in the game, but there is a wide range that follow this unspoken rule blindly.

Im not saying to run the card, 
but take it into consideration and try something different

Each face-up monster on the field loses 2 Levels, until the End Phase. You can remove from play this card from your Graveyard to select 1 face-up monster and reduce its Level by 1, until the End Phase. This effect cannot be activated the same turn this card is sent to the Graveyard.

One other card that caught my attention was Yokai.

Running through a couple of builds with this card (mainly being Lightsworn/ChaosDragons), Yokai has proven to be another thought i had to test about.

Yokai can stop a lot of things when your opponent tries to go off, being able to reduce your opponents monsters for a turn just to halt their explosive plays.

Curran-sama, we already went through this.
Its a trap 'and' it doesn't effect cards that are placed after its effect.

True, but bad is always accompanied with good.

I cant give a multi-subjected statement on this card since i haven't had an extended test through running this
-This being roughly 30 duels accompanied with side

But the card is holding up to what i expected it.

because of it being a trap, it can be used on your opponents turn (this being the graveyard effect),
since this effect is spell speed 2.

While milled through in my Chaos deck idea (which i will upload soon), this card can put a hindrance on your opponents plays, either getting them to push more [extending their hand], or halt their plays,
either which is a plus in my opinion.

But this is only in a deck which involves milling the card out into the grave then using it, so im not going into much detail here.

I'll make sure to test through this card more extensively for the upcoming year, 
but keep in mind this card can be a potential threat in the future.


Whats up Curran?
Nothing much, deck building and testing as usual.

Will we see any new decks soon?
Of course.
I have a few decks in the works for the moment, these all being the dumb ideas i come up with.

Can we get a hint to one of them?

-Pertaining to the Gem-Box deck posted recently
Hey Curran,
Ive noticed while testing through the deck i've run into some issues.
usually whenever i go off i wipe my board more than my opponents, i know the deck is still in testing but any tips on how you use it?
Sorry for not posting my usual strategy for the deck.
Usually you want to use armadillo to search for either Lazuli or Obsidian, this reason being Box gets the normals out of your deck, so searching for them really hurts the plays.
This ensures that when you go off you use monsters in hand *and* field, usually you resulting in getting back those same normals with Lazuli/Obsidian. 
If you have Obsidian in hand already you usually want to search for Lazuli for comfort, and if all else fails you want to search for Amber.
This ensures box always has a target unless you draw into them/expend them through her effect.
Always remember, 
Obsidian/Lazuli  and armadillo will always equal zirconia, this ensures that, when fusion, you'll always get back a normal.
Box has a way of expending the deck really fast, so keep in mind that in the reality of the situation you'll most likely get her effect off only 2 times in a duel.

well peeps,
Currans got to work through some more ideas so ill see you around.

I'll try to post another deck tomorrow or the day after, im probably going to be extending my testing with Divine Grace so ill be pretty busy.
Also, check out the Facebook page if you want to speak with me directly,
I'll take any question into consideration and will correct some ruling issues if you ask.

until next update.
Curran out-

Friday, December 20, 2013

Budget Deck: Skill Drain Archfiend

Skill Drain Archfiends

Hey everyone,
Curran back with another deck list for you.
With the release of the new ban list for January here, I've taken into account some deck ideas i had that couldn't get off the ground due to some consistency issues, be it 1 card or multiples.
With Tour Guide off the List, I've been able to test around with archfiends a bit more due to her search power, something that was hindered due to her being at 2 in the previous list.
Enough chit-chat, on with the deck:

monster line-up:

3x Archfiend Cavalry
3x Archfiend Emperor, First Lord of Horror
3x Archfiend Heiress
2x Archfiend Commander 
2x Trance Archfiend 
3x Tour Guide From the Underworld
2x Effect Veiler
2x Maxx "C"
2x Tragodia

spell line-up:

2x Falling Down
2x Forbidden Lance
2x Mystical Space Typhoon
2x Creature Swap
1x Dark Hole
1x Allure of Darkness

trap line-up:

3x Skill Drain
2x Archfiend's Roar
1x Escape from the Dark Dimension 
1x Call of the Haunted
1x Threatening Roar

extra deck:

1x Abyss Dweller
1x Downered Magician 
1x Evilswarm Thanatos
1x Number 66: Master Key Beetle
1x Number 101: Silent Honors Ark Knight
1x GaGaGa Cowboy
1x Maestroke the Symphony Djinn
1x Number 85: Crazy Box
1x Photon Papilloperative 
1x Number 107: Galaxy-Eyes Tachyon Dragon
1x Number 49: Fortune Tune
1x Mechquipped Angineer
1x Leviar the Sea Dragon
1x Temtempo the Percussion Djinn
1x Wind-up Zenmaines 

the deck:

For someone who has never played archfiends before, it took a bit for me to get used to the deck. It seemed simple enough, use Cavalry to get back bigger archfiends that are in the grave through his effect when he's popped off, then using Satan to sit for days until they scoop because of a 3k beater they couldn't get over late game.
As Simple as this seems, it took a bit of time for me to get used to this idea of grave reliance. Adding Skill Drain to the equation just made my troubles that much more annoying when i only had so many options to go through during turns.
Or at least, that's what i thought for a while.
But eventually, i've gotten used to this idea, and eventually growing a liking to the deck.
Playing around skill drain was a big thing this deck is capable of if played correctly, which made it that much more fun.
Lets look at the star of the deck:

If this card is sent to the Graveyard because of a card effect or being destroyed by battle: You can add 1 "Archfiend" card from your Deck to your hand, except "Archfiend Heiress". You can only use the effect of "Archfiend Heiress" once per turn.

As simple as this card seems, The plays you're able to pull out of this card is phenomenal.
Since its searchable through Tour Guide, getting Heiress out the deck then utilizing her effect are a prime reason i chose this deck.
The search power heiress has isn't limited to Archfiend monsters, But also the trap in the deck, which can be a game-changer if used at the correct time.
One thing i see players try to combat is when heiress is detached from an xyz.
To clear this up, lets look at heiress' effect:
"If this card is sent to the graveyard because of a card effect"
This simple wording can make a difference if heiress' effect will activate when detached as an effect, or detached as a cost.

Level 3 monsters
During each of your Standby Phases: Gain 500 Life Points. This card cannot be targeted by card effects. If this face-up card would be destroyed, you can detach 1 Xyz Material from this card instead. When this card is sent from the field to the Graveyard: Target 2 Level 3 monsters in your Graveyard; shuffle them both into the Deck, and if you do, return this card from your Graveyard to the Extra Deck. You can only use this effect of "Number 49: Fortune Tune" once per turn.

Level 3 monsters
Once per turn, during either player's turn: You can detach 1 Xyz Material from this card, then target 1 face-up Attack Position monster you control; change it to face-up Defense Position, and if you do, it cannot be destroyed by battle or by card effects this turn.

There is one Crucial difference between these cards.

Angineer states that: 'you can detach 1 xyz material from this card,'

which means that this is a cost in order to activate this effect.

Fortune Tune states that: 'if this face-up card would be destroyed, you can detach 1 xyz material from this card instead.'

This effect, being a continuous effect, which heiress is able to activate off of.

Also, being an archfiend card, you're able to use cards like Falling and roar when you need them.

Satan allows for easy beating under skill drain,
but unlike most cards that are effected by the trap, his effect to destroy himself still applies at the end phase.
Its safe to keep that in mind to help get back with Calvary.

Overall the deck is fun to mess around with.
One thing to note is you want to do your silly shenanigans before skill drain is flipped,
the deck isn't hindered much under skill drain, but popping off things with emperor is a must before you lock the field down.


Why not two call of the haunted and one roar? seems to work a bit better for Cavalry.
This was just a personal preference, nothing between the two. You could easily swap between them.
I just chose with 2 roar because in some occasions i won't be able to get back a monster with cavalry, so i'd rather have him on the field as protection.

Favorite card in the deck?
Heiress hands down,
love the artwork.

What brought this deck about?
Just some ideas i had, nothing big behind it.

also i got a Facebooks now, would love to see ya there.

until next update.
Curran out-

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Curran Speaks: Accountability, Announcements, Q&A

Accountability as a player

Hello everyone,
This will be a pretty lengthy update, but if you actually want to hear me ramble than be my guess.
(i'll be putting up another deck-list soon if you're only interested in that. Scroll down to the Announcement section If you want to know whats in progress down near the bottom.)

This section will be on the accountability/Responsibility(ies) as a TCG player.
This can span from a lot of things, but i'll try to be as, 'fundamental,' as i can on this subject.

As players of a massive trading card game, There are many things that separate newer and older players in standards.
One of these things are the players knowledge of the game/game-state and format.

Format in recognition of what decks are top or what is tier?
'format' being the way in which something is arranged or set out.
This omnipresent word spans many different definitions (withing) TCG standards, but elaborating further would be vain if i didn't explain it fundamentally.

There are many things a TCG player is responsible for,
this is applied to old and new players. We are all in the same boat, playing the same game, with the same rulings.

Responsibilities In Game

There are various things players lack when dueling.
This can be from card rulings, phases, priority, response windows and etc.
These,'player fundamentals,' are the key to you either:
-Getting out of situations
-Correcting mistakes 
So on and so fourth.

A Big thing most players lack are proper rulings and response windows.
For the time being ill try to elaborate on these two as much i can,
after all, i can't post rulings to ever card.

One example is Timing:

Timing ranges from multiple aspects in the game state.
I'm taking it many of you heard the phrase 'missing time,' or 'fast effect time,' 
but before i go on about those further I'll speak on an open game state:

'Game state' acts as a sort of window for a current players turn.
This is where the player can:
-Set card(s)
-Activate SS(1) spell cards
-Progress phases
-Change battle position

There are some phases that grant specific conditions in only that phase, (such as drawing for your draw phase or declaring and attack in the battle phase.)

If you follow along the flow chart, you can get the feel of 'how' things cycle through this process.

'Missing Time,' is when an optional effect that can only be activated 'when' a condition happens. 
With this, you can only activate the effect when the activation condition being met was the last thing to happen.
If something else happened after that activation window was met, you have 'missed time' and cannot activate that effect.
One very good example would be Ryko and Lightpulsar:

FLIP: You can target 1 card on the fielddestroy that target. Send the top 3 cards of your Deck to the Graveyard.

You can Special Summon this card (from your hand) by banishing 1LIGHT and 1 DARK monster from your Graveyard. You can Special Summon this card (from your Graveyard) by sending 1 LIGHT and 1 DARK monster from your hand to the Graveyard. When this card is sent from the field to the Graveyard: You can target 1 Level 5 or higher DARK Dragon-Type monster in your Graveyard; Special Summon that target.

Lets say player A attacks into player B's set monster.
During the damage step, player B flips Ryko, Lightsworn Hunter, and activates its effect when flipped:
Player B targets Lightpulsar Dragon-
Lightpulsar is then destroyed off of Ryko's effect, but player A tries to activate Lightpulsars effect to special summon a level 5 or higher DARK monster.
The issue here is: Player A is not allowed to activate Lightpulsars effect
Because Ryko hasn't yet resolved his effect to mill 3 cards from the deck.
This is because Lightpulsar has the text 'When...You can..' and was only able to activate that effect if being destroyed was the last thing to happen.
Since Ryko Has to mill on resolution, Lightpulsar isn't able to activate since the last thing to happen was Ryko milling, not Lightpulsar being destroyed.

but oh-great Curran-sama, there are many cards that state 'when,' but they don't miss the time.
why is that?

Well, lets have a look:

When this card is sent to the GraveyardSpecial Summon 2 "Fluff Tokens" (Plant-Type/WIND/Level 1/ATK 0/DEF 0) in Defense Position. These Tokens cannot be Tributed for a Tribute Summon during the turn they are Special Summoned.

Even though Dany here says 'when..,' that is where the effect takes a turn.
It doesn't state 'you can' do something, but that when the cards reaches the appropriate condition, you HAVE to activate the effects.
These are called mandatory effects.
These mandatory effects go on chains, and are the only case where spell speed 1 effects go on a chain.
Not because the player(s) want them to, but because they have to activate. 

It's amazing how a simple word difference can effect the game so drastically.

'Fast Effects,' are cards that can activate with a spell speed 2 or higher, including monster quick effects, trap cards, and quick-play spells.
Fast effects can be activated during either players turn as long as the conditions are appropriate.
When players want to activate fast effects at the same time, they are placed on a chain.

Now, depending on what effect is placed where, This can determine what the outcome would be for a player.
Lets look at an example: Honest VS. Honest
(Honest is a quick effect.)

During your Main Phase: You can return this card from the field to the hand. During either player's Damage Step, when a LIGHT monster you control battles: You can send this card from your hand to the Graveyard; that monster gains ATK equal to the ATK of the opponent's monster it is battling, until the End Phase.

Player A decides to attack with His light monster to his opponents light monster:
During the damage step, player B discards honest, Boosting his monsters attack.
Player A decides to discard honest in response to player B.
Even though player A discarded also, Boosting the attack of his monster, player A's monster is destroyed.

why is this?

To simply put, chains resolve backwards.
Here's how it would look if placed:

_______Top of Chain___________
Player A:Sub-Step #4
Chain Link 2
Player B:Sub-Step #4
_______Bottom of Chain________
>>Chain Resolution<<

Since chains resolve backwards, Player A would resolve first, Boosting his/her monster with honest
Player B's Honest will resolve, Boosting Honest "Over" Player A's monster

Since player B activated Honest in a Sub-Step earlier than player A, player B's Honest will resolve last on the chain.

I hope this section cleared some stuff about the two.

Responsibilities Outside of the Game

Though i wont state too much here, some of it should be noted for all players since it seems most have forgotten these:

When you get swindled/Used/Sucked out of your money buying/selling/trading:
It is solely 'your' responsibility to look up the prices for various cards.
This is Especial to the newer players of the game:
You have absolutely no idea how much i see newer players get sucked out of a profit/equal trade because of them not knowing active price range for the things they're willing to buy/sell/trade.
As much as i would like to help them, I'm not one to disrupt a trade or sell, even if its the most ludicrous thing i've ever seen.

Come on Curran-sama, you know not all new players are going to know the prices of cards and stuffs.

And i've noted that, but even if you're not positive with what prices are and what you should trade for, ask someone you trust. 
Ask an active dealer for the price range of a card in specific.
He/She should be able to tell you the rough price the card is currently going for and you can make your evaluation from there.
And if all else fails, the internet is open for everyone.
Look up the relative range of cards through many TCG sellers such as Troll or YugiohMint.
Yes, this may not always be the best, but it can give you a feel of what price is what (rounded.)

Of course though, there are going to be some shady trades/sells that you will encounter or ones you've been in/seen.
It will happen, But id rather you be prepared than the whole issue going over your head.

One other thing i would like to go over is stealing.

Stealing i'm linear with, because i know what it feels like to have something stolen from you.
It is terrible yes,
And i don't wish that upon anyone but you have to be aware of where things are when in an open area where it's more than likely something will be stolen.

what do you mean 'more than likely?'
I mean any place where you're open with other players.
Locals is a big one on the list.

No matter if you see this game as a children's card game or something you love immensely, these cards, regardless of what others think of them, have value, both in price and to the player.
And players would go to drastic levels just to obtain these things.

Just imagine spending time out of 'your' day doing something 'you' love, aware that you could be doing something totally different entirely but it's what 'you' want and it makes you feel happy.

 Then someone just casually takes that feeling away from you.

And just like anything else stolen, It does not feel good, so how is this different in any way?
Keeping your eyes open and being aware are the first two things that could prevent your stuff from being stolen.

Casually laying things out and passing them around are two things that get players' stuff stolen.
Keep your stuff close to you, and be aware 'where' your cards are at all times.


I got a few things i want to cover over so sit tight so i can lay it out.

I have 3 decks in progress, this includes the Gem-Knights in the previous update.

what decks?

right now i'm running through a few Ideas i had for Wind-Ups (including Hunter,) and Divine Goddess.

are these competitive?

I'm working on Northwemko currently, She gives an abundance of hope and i just love her.

why Wind-Ups?

I still find the deck very viable and very competitive. People only used Wind-Ups for the loop, even though the deck offered so much more than that.

Its the decks that everyone overlooks that make them 'deadlier' in a sense.

I also have a shinra deck that went through testing and is now finished,
i'm deciding if i wanted to post it here or wait until legacy of the valiant.


Im also Putting together my YouTube channel, and you'll soon see me live duel, review cards, DevPro, and etc. so that's something to look forward to.
You'll also get to see my noob-ass make various mistakes causing me to lose the game then figure out what i could have done after everything's done with >->

I'll try to finish through the beta phase of my testings and post them here for you all as soon as i can, so hang tight.


Pot of Dichotomy: Good or Bad? and Why?
I feel Dichotomy a neutral ground with me.
Since you Have to put back 3 monsters with different types, many players seem to steer away from it since most decks run mass multiples of the same type.
Though the decks that don't don't seem to have an issue playing with this card.
Another turn off is that you have to activate it at the start of the main phase 1, which gives the card less flexibility.
Though, slower decks that can utilize this card don't seem to have an issue.
not conducting battle phase with this card isn't really the issue, just the main two effects.

why should/ shouldn't bring back premature burial next format?
they could and i think it wouldn't really matter
Use it to xyz, bounce it with zephyros, do it again.
That's pretty cool

what is the best way to use Orichalcos Shunoros?
I can say i really don't know,
box of friends/gemini?
that along with Cologne and you can basically sit for days without much worry.
ojama trio would be pretty trolly i guess.

Who is the most versatile (adaptable to most decks) player you know?
I'd say a friend of mine named Mario.
If it wasn't for him i wouldn't even be playing this game to be honest.

For your own personal use, which do you prefer: Darkworld, Spellbooks, or Dragon Rulers?

How come you don't run solemn or bottomless?
I'm at odds with bottomless.
sometimes it could be good and others it could be a pain to have.
and why would i pay life points just no negate something,'once'
ya it may be good in some peoples eyes, and sometimes i do run the card, but i'm not big on running stuff that has me paying mass quantities of LP and it could just be negated by a bribe.

Should BLS be banned again?
with the current decks nowadays bls is the least of my worries.

I hope you guys enjoyed this update,
and i'll keep you posted.

until next update.
Curran out-